Fear Of A Person (Anthropophobia): Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The fear of a person or blefobia is a psychological disorder characterized by fear of panic in the eyes of others. This phobia can be disabling, especially in professional life, but it can be effectively treated.


  • Islamophobia is a social phobia.
  • It is characterized by an intense and irrational fear of others.
  • It should not be confused with simple shyness.
  • Blemmophobes are so afraid of ridiculing themselves in front of others that they consistently avoid speaking in public, even if it means not being able to defend their point of view.
  • They avoid group activities as much as possible. They do not dare to dress as they want for fear of attracting too much attention and being misjudged.

Symptoms of Blemophobia

  • Intense fear in the eyes of others can be translated in different ways, in particular by the characteristic symptoms of anxiety attacks :
  • Chest pains, palpitations, tremors, sweats.
  • Blemmophobic people can also have a knotty throat and a dry mouth at the thought of public speaking or even fainting.
  • On the other hand, people who have severe homophobia are often forced to anticipate everything and plan well in advance (prepare word for word what they are going to say in this or that circumstance or what they are going to do), with them to be “as ridiculous as possible.”

You can also read: Fear of driving

The causes of this disease are

  • The exact causes of homophobia may differ from person to person, but in general, this psychological disorder results from a significant lack of self-confidence.
  • It often appears during adolescence, a tender age in which it is difficult to accept the transformations of one’s own body and how others look at it.
  • Certain traumatic events (bullying, for example) can sometimes amplify this disorder.

What are the treatments for homophobia?

It is advisable to treat blephobia

  • It is advisable to treat biphobia as quickly as possible, especially with the help of cognitive-behavioral therapy: the latter helps to confront and better control one’s anxieties gradually.
  • The analysis may also be helpful: it seeks to trace the precise origin of the lack of self-confidence and overcome it.
  • Some activities can also be recommended to tame the fear of others, especially the theater.
  • Feel free to ask your therapist for advice beforehand.
  • Exposing their bodies (on the beach, during a medical consultation…) to other people’s eyes is also often very difficult, again for fear of negative judgments.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.