Fear Of Magic: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

 Fear of magic or phagophobia is the fear of rods or being hit by rods, but in this article, we will talk about phagophobia as the “fear of wands or fear of magic.” The word “rhabdo” comes from the Greek “stick/rod/switch,” and the word “phobia” derives from the Greek “phobia,” which means deep fear or aversion.

People with rhabdophobia are terrified of sorcerers, wizards, and witches – in general, anything or anyone can cast spells or bend them at will. Some people fear illusions or even stage magicians doing tricks. This phobia is relatively rare, and fortunately, those who suffer from it do not experience it daily.

Unlike other more severe and common phobias, phagophobia does not usually affect everyday life. As mentioned above, people with rhabdophobia may also fear being punished or beaten with a stick or stick. This type of phobia can be severe.

You can also read Fear of Cooking: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment.

Causes of phagophobia

A phobia is an anxiety disorder – a fear that is out of proportion to the actual danger and usually has the following causes:

A past event

  • A traumatic event in the past could trigger the fear of magic.
  • Someone who has been to a magician’s show later experienced some trauma that their mind links to magic are likely to suffer from such a phobia.

Family factors

  • Phobias can also be contracted from family members.
  • Very anxious or worried caregivers/parents could instill fear of magic in young and impressionable minds.


  • There is a reason why some people are more prone to developing anxiety disorders like this one.


  • The fact that one responds in an embarrassing way to their fear further fuels this phobia.
  • The people around you can react strongly to your fear, making you even more anxious about it.


  • The stress chronic persistent is the number one factor that causes most anxiety disorders, including phobias.
  • Over time, stress may make you doubt your ability to cope with a particular situation which, in turn, makes you fear that situation.

Often none of the above can be responsible for the phobia itself, and the patient may have to find a solution to find a specific reason behind it.

  • If you fear magic to the point that you cannot resist speaking or thinking about it, then over time, your fear could worsen.
  • This could lead you to experience extreme difficulty coping with your fear.
  • A professional is your best bet to help you overcome such a situation.

Symptoms of fear of magic

Symptoms of fear of magic

Different people experience fear differently. As in the case of other common social or complex phobias, phagophobia can produce several symptoms. In general terms, we can differentiate the symptoms into two main categories: physical and psychological. These can vary in severity, and some people might intensely experience them just by thinking of magic. Here are the different symptoms experienced by the phobia:

Physical symptoms

  • Tremors, shaking
  • Feeling dizzy or fainting
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Hot flashes, flushes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Chest tightness
  • Feeling of suffocation

Psychological symptoms

  • Feeling out of touch with reality
  • Fear of losing control
  • Thoughts of death or dying
  • Fear of embarrassing himself

Sometimes a severe phobia can trigger a panic attack in the individual.

  • Experiencing this could be embarrassing and even scary.
  • The patient could become severely stressed simply by thinking about the fear. This, in turn, could lead to thoughts of depression.
  • Frequently, people with severe phagophobia tend to avoid situations that involve magic.
  • They try to avoid people, which could lead to isolation and social isolation.
  • Avoiding something sometimes makes it worse, especially true of phobias.

Treatment of phagophobia

There are several things one can take to overcome the fear of magic.

Conversational therapy

  • You can start by talking to someone you trust.
  • If no one is there, you can seek professional advice.
  • Group therapy can help, too – your counselor can guide you to peer groups or online support groups.

Control panic and anxiety

  • Relaxation techniques can help.
  • Learn to practice deep breathing when faced with a situation that triggers your symptoms.

Self-help books

  • They are available online and offline.
  • They are based on the principles of CBT or Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Other therapies

Your doctor can guide you on the treatments available for severe fear of magic phobia.

CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy

  • CBT identifies connections between thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
  • A CBT therapist can help you manage the thought patterns that cause the phobia.
  • CBT is often combined with desensitization therapy, in which you may gradually be exposed to fear.

Exposure therapy

  • In this treatment for phagophobia, you are gradually and safely exposed to the object of your fear (magic or wands) so that through repeated experiences, you feel more control over your anxiety.


  • A trained hypnotherapist could take you back in time to determine the root cause of your fear.
  • This, in turn, can help you cope better with situations.


  • This is usually the last line of treatment, as medications for anxiety disorders mainly include tranquilizers and antidepressants that can lead to chemical dependency.
  • They even come with adverse side effects like extreme drowsiness, etc.
  • Having a phobia can be a challenge for both patients and their families or friends.
  • However, thanks to today’s treatments, one does not need to live with it.
  • We hope this short guide helps you cope with rhabdophobia and overcome it once and for all.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.