Fear Of The Air: Definition, Characteristics. Types And More

Fear of the air or anemophobia is a kind of umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of air-related phobias . Some people are afraid of drafts, others of gusty winds. Some fear swallowing air. The phobia can be mild or severe and is often life-limiting.

Weather phobias

Anemophobia is often, but not always, related to other weather-related phobias. Lilaptophobia is the fear of severe storms, while astraphobia is the fear of repeating mill weather phenomena, such as thunder and lightning.

Many people with anemophobia based on another climate phobia are not afraid of the wind itself, but of the possibility that it means an upcoming storm. Fear of tornadoes is extremely common among people who suffer from both anemophobia and other weather-related phobia.

Loss of identity

Some people with anemophobia worry that a strong wind will blow away items of financial or sentimental value. Some worry that a particularly gusty wind will destroy their home. This type of anemophobia is often rooted in fear of losing personal identity, and it may be more common in those who have survived a tornado, hurricane, or some other serious weather disaster.

Lost of control

Like the fear of losing one’s personal identity, the fear of losing control is often at the core of air-related phobias. Like all weather phenomena, the wind is out of our control. Those who fear losing control of their lives and their surroundings may be at higher risk for air-related phobias.

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Medical Phobias

Strong winds can cause loose objects to blow, rip tree limbs, and even cause structural damage. Those who fear being hurt may worry that they are on the path of destruction. Some people, especially children, may also fear that a particularly strong gust of wind will grab or knock them over.

Medical phobias can also be at the heart of the fear of drafts. Although we now know that illnesses are caused by bacteria or viruses, conventional wisdom has long held that drafty rooms can make people sick.

Fear can increase in those who suffer from cryophobia, or fear of the cold. Similarly, those who are afraid to swallow air may worry that excessive stomach gas is a sign of illness.

Fear of air in children

Like many phobias, anemophobia is relatively common in young children. Children are not always able to understand the world around them, and rare events can be surprising or intensely terrifying. Consequently, phobias are usually not diagnosed in children unless they persist for at least six months.

If your child has a mild fear of the wind, try to focus on recreational activities that use the wind in a positive way. Fly kites and experiment with real or toy sailboats. Go outside and talk about how fun it is to let the wind blow through your hair. Of course, if your child’s fear is especially severe or long-lasting, seek the guidance of a trained mental health professional.

In older children and adults, fear of the wind is much less common. Consider seeking professional assistance with any fear that causes you to limit your daily activities.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.