Fear Of Opinions(Allodoxaphobia): Causes, Symptoms, Therapies

Fear of opinions – Allododophobia. Allododophobia can be considered a derivative of Doxophobia, although both words have contradictory meanings. Where doxophobia represents the fear of expressing thoughts, allodoxyphobia is the fear of listening to other people’s opinions. The word Allodoxaphobia comes from the Greek ‘all,’ which means different, ‘dox,’ which implies belief, and ‘Phobos,’ which comes from the Greek God of fear.

People with a fear of opinions live in constant fear and anxiety of hearing people’s thoughts about them. They often realize that their phobia is unfounded and irrational, but they cannot overcome it. As a result, many restrictions are imposed. As fear permeates their consciousness, they tend to stop answering questions or participating in any activities, as they are afraid of people’s judgment.

Allodoxyphobia belongs to the category of rare and unusual social phobias. This phobia can isolate the patient significantly and significantly hamper his professional life.

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Causes of allodoxaphobia

  • Although many Americans fear that they will not be able to express their opinion, a small part of the population does not want to hear other people’s views.
  • The trigger for the opinion is usually the saat of other social phobias: negative or traumatic episodes in the past.
  • Caregivers, teachers, or parents are often responsible for triggering the phobia in a growing child.
  • Words of caution or criticism spoken to a child can lead to chronic suppression. An abused or traumatized child is also more likely to develop allodoxyphobia.

Generally, passive or sensitive people who fear criticism and retaliation are more likely to suffer from allodoxyphobia.

  • They may have experienced criticism at school or work that causes a response triggered by the amygdala (a part of the brain).
  • The mind then triggers the same response repeatedly when dealing with a similar stressful situation.
  • He does it to protect the individual, who then, to avoid the answer, tries to prevent hearing opinions about him.
  • The media can also trigger the fear of opinion phobia.
  • Having access to printed materials, graphics on television or social media, etc., can cause extreme panic in some anxious people.

Other (intrinsic) causes of allodoxaphobia include hereditary factors or genetic causes.

Symptoms of fear of opinions

An individual living with this fear suffers from many physical and emotional symptoms. These people are simply afraid of hearing feedback of any kind. It causes a panic attack that includes:

  • Sweaty palms
  • Accelerated heart rate, rapid, shallow breathing
  • Feeling sick, nauseous
  • I feel angry when an opinion is expressed, regardless of good or bad.
  • Fight or flight response – try to avoid all situations where an opinion can be expressed.
  • Insecurity, lack of self-esteem
  • Naturally, these people can be socially withdrawn; they can be somewhat depressed.
  • They can avoid situations at work and generally miss many opportunities and promotions.

Overcome and address the fear of opinions

Overcome and address fear of opinions

  • The cause of this disease is diagnosed by the doctor, who evaluates how to help the patient.
  • This is usually done through conversion therapy, psychotherapeutic counseling, group therapy, systematic desensitization, hypnotherapy, etc.
  • However, the most challenging part of overcoming allodoxaphobia is that the person may refuse to seek therapy in the first place.
  • Family members play a crucial role in getting them to agree.
  • Phobics should be encouraged to express their opinions, while loved ones should be careful and gently express their views.
  • Small exercises can be performed to ensure that the person can handle the opinions in small doses, gradually increasing their attack until they are ready and confident enough to hold them without having panic attacks.
  • Treatment for allodoxaphobia often tends to belong.
  • The patient and their family members must show a high level of patience and maintain hope throughout the treatment.
  • Therapies such as meditation, yoga, and other alternative mind-body therapies should be included alongside conventional treatment to overcome the fear of opinion phobia completely.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.