Fear Of Ducks: Causes, Diagnosis, Self Help

Fear of ducks or anatidaephobia, many types of seemingly irrational fears and phobias, are prevalent globally. What might be laughable to people is not phobic. Anatidaephobia is one of those phobias. A person suffering from this condition feels that a duck or a goose is observing him (not attacking or touching, simply following the individual).

Anatidaephobia is derived from the Greek word ‘Anatidae,’ which means ducks, geese, or other water birds, and Phobos means terror/fear in Greek. The fear of duck phobia can be a debilitating anxiety condition in which no matter what one is doing or where in the world they are, they feel the constant presence of a duck or goose.

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Causes of Anatidaephobia

  • Generally, the leading cause is very traumatic experiences with this animal.
  • These birds have violent tendencies and will often attack people without provocation.
  • Often, they swoop down to steal food or take a sip.

A child may have directly or indirectly experienced such an episode.

  • They may have experienced the flapping sound made by the bird’s enormous wings.
  • This then makes you feel vulnerable or fearful around ducks.
  • Most cases of childhood phobias resolve over time. However, in some instances, they persist into adulthood.

Symptoms of fear of duck phobia

While ordinary people may smile or laugh at the thought of being scared by a duck, an Anatidaephobic, this fear is persistent and constantly weighs on the mind. Sometimes the phobia is so extreme that it could affect one’s day-to-day life. They may refuse to leave the house due to meeting a duck.

Physical symptoms of fear of duck phobia include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking or shaking
  • Dry mouth, trouble swallowing, or choking sensation
  • Paralyze the fear that causes the phobia to remain ingrained or frozen.
  • Alternatively, one tries to scream or run.
  • Some phobics fear losing control: fainting, dizziness, crying or embarrassment, etc.
  • Chest pains and gastrointestinal upset are other signs of this phobia.
  • Thoughts of death, dying, and feeling trapped are other psychological symptoms of this phobia.

Therefore, fear of duck phobia can completely take over one’s life, as one refuses to leave home because of encountering a duck. They may go a long way to avoid traveling to areas where geese or ducks are known to be present.

Diagnosis of fear of ducks

Diagnosis of fear of ducks

  • Many people who have this phobia are diagnosed and are aware of their disease.
  • Still, they are unable to control it.
  • Many refuse to go to the doctor, resulting in which their phobia could persist for years.
  • It is essential to speak with your primary physician, particularly if the above anxiety symptoms interfere with your daily life.
  • Your doctor may recommend a mental health professional or one of the following therapies that are highly effective in treating and overcoming the fear of duck phobia for good.


NLP or neurolinguistic programming

  • This therapy is based on the principle that most phobias are “learned or programmed behaviors” of the brain.
  • NLP seeks to reprogram the mind to eliminate fear once and for all.


  • This is another proven and safe therapy that delves deep into the mind of the Anatidaephobic to determine the root cause of the phobia.

Other self-help therapies

  • Therapists also encourage phobics to practice mind-body techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and positive thought writing to rationalize negative thoughts and overcome the fear of ducks.
  • It is essential that family and friends support the individual rather than teasing or laughing at him or doing other things to attract his anatidaphobia.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.