
Fear Of Getting Rid Of Things(Disposophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Fear of getting rid of things or Dysposophobia is the fear of losing something or an intense fear of getting rid of things. It is also called “Hoarding Disorder.” Many people worldwide are affected by this phobia, and a recent survey has shown that the British are number one on this list. The word “Disposophobia” has a Greek origin. The root […]


The Fear Of Witches(Wiccaphobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

The fear of witches or Wiccaphobia means fear of witches or fear of witchcraft and is derived from the combination of the old English word Wicca, which means witch (wicce is a female witch), and the Greek word Phobos which means deep aversion or fear. Wiccaphobia is a relatively common phobia that has great historical significance. This article will study the […]


The Fear Of Escalators(Escalaphobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Fear of escalators – Escalaphobia is a common specific phobia that affects hundreds of thousands worldwide. Escalaphobia comes from the Greek scale, which means “to ascend/climb,” and dread, “deep aversion, fear or fear.” There are several thousand escalators in Canada and the United States, which move millions of people up and down daily. However, some people still prefer to go upstairs […]


Fear Of Moths(Mottephobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Fear of moths or Mottephobia is similar to the fear of butterflies or lepidopterophobia. The word mottephobia originates from the German ‘Motte,’ which means moths, and the Greek ‘photos,’ which means fear. Motorphobia belongs to the category of animal-specific phobias. It is an anxiety disorder that is not as common as arachnophobia – the fear of spiders, but it is relatively widespread. The infection triggers […]


The Fear Of Speed(Tachophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Fear of speed or Tachophobia is the abnormal, often unjustified fear of doing something too fast. This could include driving, biking, sitting on roller coasters, or even simple activities like walking too fast. In some surprising cases, the phobic might even fear talking or eating too fast or experiencing a fast-paced life. However, fear of speed is only related to […]


Fear of Pregnancy(Tokophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Overcoming

The fear of pregnancy – Tokophobia is the fear of pregnancy or childbirth. The word derives from the Greek topos, which means beginning, and phobia, which is fear or intense fear of a situation/object. Other names for this fear are Tocophobia, Enfantaphobia, Mayusiophobia, or Parturiphobia. The British Journal of Psychiatry first documented this phobia only a decade ago. Before this, […]


Fear of the Future(Chronophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Overcoming

Fear of the future or Chronophobia is defined as the persistent and often irrational fear of the future or the passage of time. Since time can be considered as a “specific object,” Chronophobia falls into the category of specific phobias. The word Chronophobia is derived from the Greek ‘Chronos’ which means time and phobos which means fear. The question of time has […]


School Fear(Didaskaleinophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

School fear or Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of school or going to school. It is known that almost 2 to 5% of children who attend school have this phobia. Didaskaleinophobia is derived from the Greek Didasko, which means to teach, and Phobos, which means aversion or fear. Another common term for fear of school is Scholionophobia, derived from the Latin […]


Fear Of Insanity(Dementophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Overcoming

Fear of insanity – Dementophobia is used to denote fear of insanity. It is derived from the Greek words Dementors and Phobos, which mean “madness” and “fear,” respectively. An individual who has Dementophobia experiences extreme anxiety or a panic attack when encountering a thought about going crazy or even a scene from a movie depicting a crazy person/situation. Excessive fear of this type can affect daily life. […]


Fear Of Opinions(Allodoxaphobia): Causes, Symptoms, Therapies

Fear of opinions – Allododophobia. Allododophobia can be considered a derivative of Doxophobia, although both words have contradictory meanings. Where doxophobia represents the fear of expressing thoughts, allodoxyphobia is the fear of listening to other people’s opinions. The word Allodoxaphobia comes from the Greek ‘all,’ which means different, ‘dox,’ which implies belief, and ‘Phobos,’ which comes from the Greek God […]