Aphasia-Apraxia-Agnósico Syndrome, Definition and Characteristics

The agnosic afaso-apraxo-syndrome appears in the dementias of cortical type, such as Alzheimer ‘s disease , dementia with Lewy bodies and in Pick ‘s disease and is evident due to the alteration in the speech and the inability of performing voluntary movements, as well as failing to recognize familiar individuals, elements, or situations.

The aphaso-apraxo-agnosic syndrome is defined by marked disintegrative and homogeneous changes in attention and alertness, frequent forgetfulness, difficulty in carrying out simple tasks, difficulty in recognizing people who frequently see themselves as to relatives or objects.

To understand more clearly the implications of the aphasic-apraxo-agnosic syndrome, it is necessary to define each of the involved parts, such as:


It is a disorder produced by injuries or damages located in the brain area responsible for language control . Therefore, difficulty is observed in skills for oral language (expression and comprehension) and with written language (reading and writing). Mostly, the difficulties that arise have to do with reading and writing. There are four major types of aphasia, which are:


The person has difficulty using some words or sentences, that is, she or he knows what is meant, but there is difficulty expressing or writing it, such as the names of objects. Expand this topic in the following link: Expressive aphasia (pending article)


The person has trouble understanding what other people are saying. That is, they require time to understand what someone else is talking about or to follow the sequence of rapid speech. As well as the misinterpretation of what he hears, taking figurative language to a literal level. Read more about this topic at the following link: Receptive aphasia  (pending article)


It is the difficulty that the person presents to remember the names of objects, places, people or elements. The affected individual is capable of understanding what is being asked of him, capable of pointing out what is being named, but not remembering what it is called. Find out more about this topic at the following link: Anomic aphasia (pending article)


The person has difficulty in expression and understanding, that is, the affected individual cannot speak or understand what is being said, what he is reading or writing. Read more about this topic at the following link: Global aphasia (pending article)


It is the consequence of the dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres, mainly of the parietal lobe. This disorder is characterized by the loss of the ability to carry out dexterous movements and gestures, even with the desire and physical ability to do so. There are several types of apraxia that can occur alone or with someone.


This incapacitates the person in terms of carrying out activities in which they must follow steps and also in the correct use of tools and everyday objects. This happens because the individual is unable to access the memory that allows him to act as is correct. Expand this topic in the following link: Ideational apraxia (pending article)

Constructional or constructive

It interferes with the individual’s ability to draw figures or build shapes. It can be seen that the person inverts or rotates the shapes, separates the parts of the shape, ignores the details, disconnects the angles from the shapes. Find out more about this topic in the following link: Constructional apraxia (pending article)


It is observed that the affected person has difficulty performing actions in response to a verbal command or command only. Find out more about this topic in the following link: Ideomotor apraxia (pending article)


The main characteristic of this disorder is that there is difficulty in moving the eyes in the desired way, specifically horizontally because the vertical movements of the eye are not affected. The individual with this disorder performs compensatory movements, that is, they must turn their head frequently to have a visual range of their surroundings. Read more about this topic at the following link: Oculomotor apraxia (pending article)

Bucofacial, bucolingual u orofacial

The individual has an inability to make facial movements of his own accord, that is, he cannot lick his lips, whistle, cough, or wink his eye. Read more about this topic at the following link: Orofacial apraxia (pending article)


It is caused by a brain injury and not by perception , cognition or language disorder , causing difficulty in recognizing previously learned stimuli and interfering with the ability to learn new stimuli from the affected sensory channel. There are the following types of agnosia.


It is the most frequent, the person can see but does not interpret, that is, they cannot recognize objects, faces or colors. It can be seen in patients with damage to the temporal lobe or occipital lobe. Read more about this topic at the following link: A gnosia visual   (pending article)


There is difficulty in recognizing sounds, that is, the person cannot interpret the sounds and their ability to listen is not affected. Read more about this topic at the following link: A gnosia hearing  (pending article)


The individual fails to recognize part or all of his body. This alteration can make the person not recognize that a part of the body is sick or paralyzed, it can even say that that part of the body is not hers. Read more about this topic at the following link: A gnosia body (pending article)

The alterations due to the aphaso-apraxo agnosic syndrome are persistent and progressive in nature, significantly interfering with the daily life of the patient. When a patient has aphasic-apraxo-agnosic syndrome, it  is an indication that he is in the late stage of brain disease and that is when he requires family care and support.

How to know if a person has aphasic-apraxo-agnosic syndrome?

Whether a person has aphasic-apraxo-agnosic syndrome can be determined by simultaneously displaying language, memory, and motor impairment.

Can aphaso-apraxo-agnosic syndrome occur in different dementias?

Studies related to dementias have revealed that aphasic-apraxo-agnosic syndrome is no longer only characteristic of cortical dementias such as Alzheimer’s, but also occurs in the late stages of other types of dementias.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.