Fear of Sleeping Alone (Somniphobia): ​​Causes, Therapeutic Treatments, Tips

Fear of sleeping can only be traumatic for some people. According to some studies, whether they are children or adults, this fear affects primarily women who, in most cases, hate sleeping alone. However, men do not escape this fear that Sometimes the regular hours of sleep and rest that every person should have becomes chronic.

The fear of sleeping alone can result in people beginning to suffer from tiredness or fatigue caused by the hours of sleep interrupted by falling asleep without company. Fortunately, all hope is not lost since you can sleep more efficiently with a bit of persistence.

Based on some experiences, psychologists assure that the first step that must be taken with the patient is to determine why the patient is afraid of falling asleep alone since the fear can be based on other problems such as fear of the dark, the trauma of the mostro from the closet or different types of concerns that are unconsciously generating the problem and that must be treated with experts, to be able to overcome it.

In most cases, people are afraid of the dark, making it difficult for them to fall asleep peacefully. In these cases, it is recommended that the room be illuminated at bedtime. The lack of a routine can also affect and prolong fear. If doing exercises will make you sleep better, then do it. Here is a list of suggestions you can make to eliminate the fear of sleeping alone.


Sleep can be like a natural act, but for some people, the dream is a source of fear, especially if you are alone. Worrying about rest is a form of performance anxiety, experts say. Some older adults, for example, are concerned about the amount of sleep they lose. They get anxious because they think they are not getting enough sleep.

  • Fear of nightmares
  • Concern for personal problems
  • Stress
  • Tiredness


Therapeutic treatments

Create a habit

  • Find the perfect reason to go to sleep.
  • Establish schedules and activities before sleeping, such as: eating something light so that you can digest adequately, watching funny TV shows, reading a good book, take a shower.
  • Relax your mind and body, eliminate evil thoughts, and forget about anxiety and fears.
  • When you wake up, exercise, listen to the news and do things that remind you of how pleasant you slept and saw when you woke up. In this way, you will establish a routine to help you deal with your fears.
  • Generally, people who do not have an established work routine are more likely to be afraid of sleeping alone.

Lean on your friends

  • It would be good if you invited some friends to keep you company for a weekend from time to time.
  • Discuss your situation with a family member or close friend, and ask for advice to get rid of the fear of going to bed without company.
  • Therapists recommend having the support that makes up your environment. It facilitates the process of acceptance that there is a problem and you have to look for the tools to solve it.
  • It may be the case that some women experience the fear of sleeping alone if their husbands work shifts. In these cases, they should receive support from their partner and, if possible, go to the doctor together.

Pray before sleeping

  • Praying prayers before going to sleep can be effective. Believing in God and asking with Faith to take away your fear of sleeping, you will only be able to achieve it.

Listen to music

  • By listening to some music and connecting your mind and body with a relationship exercise, you can calm your fear of sleeping alone.
  • We suggest you turn on the television, program it with the news, and set an adequate volume in some cases. Fatigue can overcome it and make you fall asleep more easily.

Don’t sleep during the day

  • Sleeping during the day is not recommended if you have trouble sleeping at night, especially if you have no company.
  • Take care, and do all the activities you can. When you get home, you will shower and sleep without thinking that you are alone.

Consider medical help.

  • Talk to a sleep specialist if you have a sleep disorder that won’t stop, such as insomnia or chronic nightmares.
  • Insomnia can be treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy or sleep medication.
  • Chronic nightmares may require imaging test therapy that involves rewriting and testing a new version of the monster during the day.
  • It can also be treated with various prescription drugs.
  • You get some relief from taking sleep medication, although you say it doesn’t always work.
  • You are now considering seeing a sleep specialist and have started running again. «

Tips to lose the fear of sleeping alone

  • Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning.
  • Don’t eat or drink caffeine four to five hours before bed.
  • Resist the urge to sleep.
  • Exercise two hours before bedtime.
  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
  • Limit your bedroom activities to sleep and sex.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.