Fear Of Technology (Technophobia): Characteristics, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The fear of technology, known in medical terminology known as technophobia, refers to exaggerated and uncontrollable anxiety about technological tools. It may require treatment when it becomes disabling in daily life.


  • Technophobia is defined as excessive and irrational anxiety when using high-tech tools, such as computers.
  • Depending on the case, it refers to technology in general or specific devices in particular.
  • This phobia can quickly become embarrassing in our society where technology is ubiquitous, especially if the technophobic person is forced to use sophisticated devices in their work.
  • In medicine, technophobia is a phobia in its own right, just like the fear of spiders or fear of enclosed spaces, for example.
  • However, in everyday language, this term is often used to designate a person who opposes certain technological advances for various reasons (desire to preserve the environment, fear that a new machine will create unemployment by taking the place of Workers…).

Symptoms of Technophobia

  • The symptoms of technophobia are very similar to those seen in most other phobias.
  • They manifest themselves in the presence of a technological device or anticipation when the subject fears having to use a computer the next day, for example.
  • In addition to severe anxiety, they can include tremors, sweating, dizziness, palpitations, paleness, numbness in the extremities, or suffocation.
  • A technophobe also tends to avoid as much as possible coming into contact with the object of his fear: he may, for example, refuse to have specific devices at home.

You can also read: Fear of the dark.


  • This anxiety disorder can be considered a defense mechanism, allowing the subject to express too much anxiety by projecting it onto technological tools.
  • This anxiety’s origin could be related to a traumatic event in childhood or even to family or environmental factors.
  • However, its exact cause remains mysterious in many cases.


  • An introduction or training in technological tools can be helpful in cases of mild technophobia: it will help to understand better how the devices work and reduce the anxiety associated with their use.
  • However, psychotherapy may be necessary for more severe forms, possibly combined with antidepressant or anxiolytic-based medications.
  • Think particularly of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): it allows you to confront your fear by confronting technology gradually.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.