Fear Of Intimacy (Genophobia): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Self-Help

Fear of intimacy – Aphenphosmphobia can be defined as the fear of intimacy phobia is known by several other names, such as Aphenphosmphobia (which is the fear of being touched) and Philophobia (which is known by several different characters as the fear of love). As the name implies, the person suffering from the fear of intimacy phobia is afraid of intimacy (shared between lovers or other close relationships with parents, siblings, and friends). Since most close relationships are based on deep emotional ties, the person suffering from this fear cannot share a meaningful association with anyone.

Causes of Aphenphosmphobia

  • Neglect and swallowing are the two main factors that can cause Aphenphosmphobia. The patient is likely to fear being intimate with his partner, thinking that he would eventually leave. (In the case of fear of involvement, the individual is concerned about losing his individuality due to the relationship).
  • Generally speaking, the fear of intimacy phobia is rooted in childhood, although painful romantic relationships in adulthood can also lead to such a phobia.
  • As a result, the phobia tends to draw the partner towards oneself only to push them away (the partner) eventually.
  • As a result, the relationship is fraught with friction, which, in turn, affects the physical intimacy between two individuals.
  • Clinical psychologists also blame tumultuous parenting relationships (due to extramarital affairs by either parent) for fear of intimacy phobia in a child/adult.
  • Victims of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse are also prone to aphenphosmphobia as it is challenging to trust someone enough to become emotionally or physically intimate.

You may also be interested in reading: Fear Of Silence: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Overcoming.

Symptoms of fear of intimacy

Symptoms of fear of intimacy

  • There are several physicals, emotional and cognitive symptoms and signs that indicate the fear of intimacy phobia.
  • Physical symptoms include muscle pain, gastrointestinal upset and nausea, sweating, increased heart rate, and shaking or shaking at the thought of being intimate with someone.
  • These signs are often mistaken for other illnesses when they are the body’s way of preparing for a fight or flight response to intimacy.
  • The anxiety and total panic attacks are also likely in the person suffering from the fear of intimacy.
  • You are likely to feel scared and confused and unable to distinguish between reality and unreality.
  • The phobic associates the feeling of vulnerability they have experienced in the past with weakness and inferiority and tries to control people or avoid them altogether.

Treatment of Aphenphosmphobia

  • Self-help is the best available treatment to overcome the fear of intimacy phobia. Becoming aware of this fear is the first step in the healing process.
  • Experts recommend making a list and jotting down thoughts about the events that can trigger the aforementioned symptoms. Patients should write down their subjective assumptions and beliefs, judgments, and predictions.

This can help the individual look for subjective evidence of fear-provoking thoughts. Patients should also write down the answers to the following questions:

  • What’s the worst that could happen if I have intimate relationships?
  • What good could come of the situation?
  • How tolerable would the consequences be?

These questions can help you face the situation step by step.

  • Deep breathing and consciously stopping negative thoughts can also help overcome the fear of intimacy phobia.
  • Apart from these, there are many other treatment options, such as cognitive behavior therapy and behavior therapy, hypnotherapy, counseling and psychotherapy, group therapy , and medications to overcome the fear of phobia. Privacy.

In conclusion

Fear of intimacy phobia is not a severe condition, but it can affect a person’s quality of life and daily functioning. If your fear of intimacy phobia is causing you distress or depression, you shouldn’t hesitate to seek medical advice.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.