Fear of children, infants, or childhood fear is called pedophobia (American English), pedophobia, or pedophobia. Other age-centered fears are ephebiphobia and gerontophobia. Recognized outcomes of pedophobia include paternalism, adultism, and, by extension, aging.
The word pedophobia comes from the Greek roots παιδ- paid- «child» and φόβος -phóbos «fear.»
Scientific analysis
The fear of children has been diagnosed and treated by psychiatrists, with studies examining the effects of multiple forms of treatment. Sociologists have placed “contemporary fears about children and childhood,” for example, pedophobia, as “a contribution to the ongoing social construction of childhood,” suggesting that “generational power relations, in which the Children’s lives are limited by the vigilance of adults “affect many aspects of society.” More than one study has identified fear of children as a factor affecting biological conception in humans.
Popular perception
Pedophobia is the raison d’être of several international social justice movements that address youth, including children’s rights and participation. The leading international organizations dealing with pedophobia, either directly or implicitly, are Save the Children and the Children’s Defense Fund. However, some organizations, particularly those associated with the youth rights movement, claim that these movements perpetuate pedophobia.
The complexity of this notion is exacerbated by the observations of experts such as Letty Cottin Pogrebin, founding editor of Ms. magazine, who claims to have diagnosed an “epidemic of pedophobia” in the United States, saying that “although most of us make exceptions to our offspring, we do not seem particularly warm to the children of other peoples.
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Causes of fear of children
One author suggests that the cause of fear of children in academia extends precisely to the distinctive adult awareness of children’s abilities as she wrote: ‘Children embarrass us because they always point too intelligently and clearly to our denial of personal, material and maternal history »,
James Q. Wilson, professor at the UCLA School of Management … 1975 … helped inaugurate the current climate of pedophobia when he said, “a critical mass of younger people … creates an explosive increase in crime rates.”
Parentless parent volunteers or childless individuals
Although there are many families globally, not all couples or even human beings want to have families or children. The United States Census Bureau conducted a study in 1971, of which they say the data appears to be the same today regarding birth rates and parent-child ratios.
They think it is too early to say that (rising rates of childless families) predict a future increase in childless households overall or simply the last birth—the number of married couples who voluntarily decide not to have children increases. Because social trends are difficult to predict, therefore, fertility expectations, attitudes, behaviors, and other factors are difficult to predict, making it challenging to collect data consistently, making it difficult to track the trace of the absence of children.
According to Agnieszka Bień et al., The number of women choosing to remain childless is increasing. This decision not to have children is due to different and emerging sociocultural factors, including a different perspective on career and professional life, the shift in focus towards self-actualization and individualism, and the change in behavior patterns—the norms of family types.
In recent years, society has become more open and accepted the decision not to have children. Overpopulation and climate change are other factors that influence a woman’s decision to remain childless voluntarily. Society is more accepting of this idea and choice, but the option of not having children, to some extent, is becoming desirable.
Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.