The hypomanic disorder or hypomania is a mood characterized by persistent elevation and disinhibition (euphoria), may involve irritation, but less severe than the total mania. According to the DSM-5 criteria.
The characteristic behaviors of people who experience hypomania are a marked decrease in the need for sleep, a general increase in energy, unusual behaviors and actions, and a markedly distinctive increase in talkativeness and confidence, commonly exhibited with a stretch of ideas. creative.
Hypomanic behavior often generates productivity and emotion, it can be problematic if the subject engages in risky or inadvisable behaviors, and / or the symptoms manifest themselves in problems with everyday life events. When manic episodes are separated into stages of a progression according to symptom severity and associated characteristics, hypomania constitutes the first stage of the syndrome, in which the cardinal characteristics (euphoria or increased irritability, pressure of speech and activity, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, and brain drain) are more evident.
Symptoms of hypomanic disorder
Hypomania is a feature of bipolar II disorder and cyclothymia, but it can occur in schizoaffective disorder , it is also a feature of bipolar I disorder; It arises in a sequential procession as the mood disorder fluctuates between normal mood (euthymia) and mania. Some people with bipolar I disorder have hypomanic and manic episodes.
Hypomania is sometimes credited with increasing creativity and productive energy, numerous people with bipolar disorder have attributed hypomania with giving them an edge in their work theater. You have the following symptoms:
- Happy, euphoric, with a sense of well-being.
- Lots of energy.
- Sociable.
- Multiple thoughts ..
- Creative and full of ideas and plans.
- Impatient, irritable, or angry.
- Confident, with high self-esteem.
- Restless, nervous and having a hard time relaxing.
- Heightened Senses – Colors can appear brighter, sound louder, and things more beautiful.
Hypomania can manifest itself with a wide variety of behavioral expressions that vary widely from one person to another. Some examples of hypomanic behaviors and characteristics include:
- Hypersexuality, which can involve making unusual demands on your partner, inappropriate sexual advances, having an affair, or spending a lot of money on phone sex, pornography, or prostitutes.
- More active than usual.
- Take risks.
- Very friendly.
- Very communicative or writing a lot.
- He sleeps very little.
- Participate in many activities.
- Take on additional responsibilities.
- Wear colorful and / or quirky clothes.
- Makes a lot of jokes and puns.
- It is difficult to stay still.
- Unusual irritability, excitement, hostility, or aggression.
- Behaving inappropriately, such as making rude comments at dinner
- Recklessly spending, like buying a car you can’t afford
A hypomanic episode is not severe enough to cause severe impairment in social or occupational functioning, or to require hospitalization, and there are no psychotic features during the episode (for example, the person does not experience hallucinations or delusions).
The observable symptoms of a hypomanic disorder should not be due to substance use or abuse (eg, alcohol, drugs , medications) or caused by a general medical condition (eg, hyperthyroidism or diabetes).
Causes of hypomanic disorder
People who experience a hypomanic episode are often diagnosed with a type of bipolar disorder called bipolar II, which is a serious mental illness that could lead to potentially significant problems in a person’s life if left untreated or left untreated.
A hypomanic episode caused by the effects of a drug or psychiatric treatment (such as starting a course of antidepressants) is generally not diagnosed, unless it continues to persist beyond the physiological effects of the treatment.
For example, a person who experiences a hypomanic episode for four or more consecutive days due to ingesting cocaine or methamphetamine will generally not be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder.
There is no single or clear reason for someone to become hypomanic, it is generally considered to be a combination of long and short term factors, which differ from person to person.
Possible causes of hypomania include:
- High levels of stress .
- Changes in sleep patterns or lack of sleep.
- Use of stimulants such as drugs or alcohol.
- A significant change in your life – moving house or going through a divorce, for example.
- Part.
- Substance abuse.
- Loss or grief.
- Violence, trauma, or abuse.
- Difficult living conditions: unemployment, poverty, social deprivation or homelessness.
- As a side effect of medication.
- As a side effect of a physical illness or neurological condition.
- Family history: If you have a family member who experiences bipolar moods, they are more likely to experience mania or hypomania.
- Brain chemistry: There is some evidence to suggest that nerve function in the brain may play a role, although this has not been definitively proven.
How is hypomanic disorder treated?
To treat hypomania, your doctor may prescribe psychotherapy and medications. Medication can include mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.
You may need to try several different medications before your doctor discovers the correct combination to effectively treat your symptoms. It is important to take your medication as prescribed by your doctor, even if you have side effects of drugs can be dangerous to stop taking your medication without your doctor ‘s supervision.
Healthy lifestyle habits can help, eat a healthy diet, exercise every day, and go to bed on time every night, as not getting enough sleep can trigger hypomania, you may also want to avoid too much caffeine.
Tips to improve health
- Have a daily routine
- Having a regular routine and taking care of yourself can help you stay healthy and prevent hypomanic episodes, it will also make it easier to detect changes in your mood or behavior and see if you are becoming hypomanic or manic.
- Sleep well. Try to go to bed and wake up at similar times each day, make sure you have a quiet space to sleep in, and try to minimize stimulating activities before bed.
- Get some physical activity. Exercise can help you feel better and sleep at night, but be careful not to do too much, as this can become a trigger.
- Try to eat well and stick to regular meals.
- Keep stress to a minimum, try to reduce and control stress as much as possible.
- Balance stimulating or stressful activities with relaxing ones and avoid taking on too many responsibilities.
- Learn to relax, prioritize leisure time and develop calming activities so that you have the opportunity to relax, you can also find useful relaxation exercises.
Can hypomanic disorder be prevented?
Hypomania, as well as bipolar disorder itself, cannot be prevented, however, you can take steps to lessen the effects of an episode, maintain your support systems, and use the coping strategies mentioned above.
Above all, stick to your treatment plan, take your medications as prescribed, and keep an open line of communication with your doctor. By working together, you and your doctor can manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.