Fear of Speaking: Cause, Characteristics, Importance, Overcoming

The fear of speaking can cause serious communication problems in relationships with other human beings, and it seems to be rising to the surface to be recognized. Everyone talks about it and it’s the one thing everyone knows they have to overcome.

The fear of speaking becomes a vicious cycle of repetition and to break the cycle, we need to understand how it works. In particular, let’s look at an example of deeply ingrained childhood programming of our parents telling us that we were always saying or doing something wrong. We heard “no” more than any other word when we were children.

It is the way parents keep their children safe or from hurting themselves. There really is no way around our past education. Our parents had an obligation to tell us what not to do based on their life experience. Usually they had a voice in the classes we were supposed to take at school and they tried to help us understand what we wanted to be when we were older.

The problem is, if you are like me, they would never have realized that you would not have a normal life or job in the future. Whether we realize it or not, not being able to say the right thing or do the right thing when a child carries over to our confidence in ourselves as adults.

If there is something besides self-love that sabotages us, it is self-confidence. We were also controlled and programmed in the school and with our government telling us what to do and what not to do.

You may also be interested in: Fear Of Responsibility: Cause, Treatment


Being afraid of not saying the right thing or being accepted can have the effect of throwing a person into the reverse ego. Through the law of attraction, not saying that your truth is will attract the exact opposite of what you want.

You lose the ability to make decisions and therefore lose control of your life. When you lose control of your life, you become more controlling to try to make up for the out of control things that you end up suffering from.

On the other hand, we must be careful that the ego does not take over and make us appear narcissistic.

In other words, we don’t want it to sound like we know everything and are always right. We do not want to ignore the thoughts and opinions of others, but rather to be able to respectfully iterate how we see something or how we feel.

As we become more aware of our behaviors, we may notice that there is a balance that keeps the negative ego and the reverse ego in check. As long as you stand firm in your truth, but also respect the feelings and truths of others, then you can all get along.

The problem is that a person’s truth about who they are and how they feel is completely distorted because their beliefs were rooted in fear to begin with.

Importance of fear of speaking

Although they would like to “be themselves”, those who have created from that origin of fear to speak, to say things may not be interested in the best and highest. This is when you really have to “know yourself” to be yourself.

This is where letting go of your fear of what people think and speaking from your heart in a respectful way will change the energy of any conflict. You can never go wrong with this. Everyone on the planet sees and interprets what is happening differently.

If everyone treated each other as they would like to be treated, then this conflict of words would no longer be a problem. People would be able to act and speak in a loving way, never worrying about what others think and without ignoring how others feel about what they have said.

If everyone could see the thread that connects everyone, they would never be afraid to express themselves, and they would never do so in a way that would harm another.

The use of the word

In the beginning, we can use words to have meetings and we will need to be able to express ourselves and unify thoughts and ideas in order to manifest ourselves.

Because we will not be controlled and have been healed, it will be easy to work together in harmony and see the power of what we can create when we come together. If telepathy were to become fashionable then there would be no misinterpretation of the words. There would be no misunderstandings and no one would be afraid that what they say is “wrong.”

We may have a long way to go unless we learn to time-jump into the future. In the new Earth, there are no secrets. Your energy emits your intentions and there are no hidden agendas. If you make a mistake and think something is negative or harmful, you can receive healing and counseling to find out what self-sabotage thought caused the disharmony. The main resource is that you will automatically feel it in yourself when you direct it to another person.

Being afraid to speak our truth is an important issue that we are all looking at as we learn to live with others differently. It’s hard to practice this when other people don’t. This makes us want to be only with like-minded people who are practicing the same thing even more.


This comes into play even more if we are afraid to speak in public. As we get closer to more tangible evidence of a change, we may be asked to explain to others what is happening. It is possible that in the future we will also be asked to share what it was like to go through the energy shift while we existed on planet Earth.

You may think that he will have no trouble speaking once we are not in the energetic space in which we find ourselves, and that may be true. However, you can think about the confidence you will have in the future and bring it into the present to help you speak with integrity now.

It is difficult to be willing to look at your own actions and behaviors to see if you are coming from a place of love or fear of speaking. Looking at yourself through lack of judgment is a start. Observing how others react to what you say will be a gift.

Overcoming the fear of speaking

What you make available will come back to you, especially as we approach a new way of life. See it all as an opportunity to grow and change, and whatever you do, don’t sit back and wait for something or someone to do it for you.

Finally, don’t overthink how you are acting or speaking. It takes practice, but our relationships, families and friends, provide us with a mirror to measure how we are meeting our energy through words. This does not mean that you will allow someone to talk about you or to ignore their own truth.

As long as you are truly coming from your heart and being aware of how you are being received, you are doing the best you can in the reality that we find ourselves in right now. The help of specialists and therapists will help you correct the fear of speaking and communicating with other people.

Georgia Tarrant
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Hello, how are you? My name is Georgia Tarrant, and I am a clinical psychologist. In everyday life, professional obligations seem to predominate over our personal life. It's as if work takes up more and more of the time we'd love to devote to our love life, our family, or even a moment of leisure.